Sunday, November 11, 2007

Silver Screen Supper - Clips!

After you are finished racking your brains for your favorite movie meal, post a clip from the movie were the food takes center stage!

(How to: Go to Youtube. Select the YouTube Video you wish to add to your blog.
Look for the box directly to the right of the video. You will see
embedded code. Copy the embedded code to the video. Log into your
Blogger account and compose a new post. Click on html in your post and
paste the code in you copied from YouTube. It is important you have
the HTML tab selected and are not in compose mode. You may need to
change the height and width of the video. Save the changes & enjoy
your video.)

Julie's Dish - I looked around for komodo dragon steaks, but they are hard to come by, but I found inspiration in the magic of Disney. I hope your eyes sparkle like Lady's after you taste my meatballs. (Sorry for the crappy quality of this clip - it's all i could find).


emily said...

I love it when people tape their televisions.

Stina said...

theeeees is the niiiiiight
the most beeeeeeeauteeeful niteeeee
and they caaaaaall it
*eye twinkle*